About Elizabeth

Shalom friends,

I’m Elizabeth.

I’m a wife to Joey, mamma to Laura, a friend to some beautiful people, and a lover of the church. I’m also a licensed therapist (LISW-CP) with several years of experience working with children and families in clinical and research settings. I graduated from Columbia International University with my BA in Bible and Psychology, and received my Master in Social Work from the University of South Carolina.

I’ve been writing here for the last 5 years, weaving in parts of my clinical work, growth in the Scriptures, and the joys and challenges shaping my life and thought.

Three themes shape my clinical practice, parenting, marriage, and journey towards wholeness, which I share throughout my blog:

Presence, or the practice of being where we are, just as we are, without judging ourselves or others. Regular mindfulness practice has helped me overcome prior health crises and live with greater attunement to my body and soul. I enjoy integrating Scripture and Christian tradition with mindfulness teaching and write my own mindfulness meditations incorporating Scripture, guided imagery, and breath work.

Grace, being grounded in God’s sweet grace towards us. Because God has pardoned our sin through the sacrifice of Christ, making us pure, clean, and pleasing in his sight, we no longer have to fear condemnation (Romans 8). We no longer need to strive to do more or be more. We don’t have to earn our way through life. We don’t have to be enough, because he is enough.

Oh, its this big grace that sets me free from a life of striving and perfecting. I write to proclaim this life-changing grace, as I, myself, learn how to walk it out daily in all my imperfections and messes.

Truth, because the truth always sets us free.

We’re so much freer when we’re honest with ourselves and others. I share glimpses of my truth-telling journey, while encouraging you, too, to face what might be hard but good.

I write to nurture presence, grace, and truth in my own life and in yours.