a prayer for perfectionism

A Prayer for Perfectionism

A call for help, a prayer for perfectionism, written for anyone feeling the weight of our world’s unreachable standards or expectations.

A Prayer for Perfectionism

Our Lord,

We come to you in places of restlessness, chaos, and disorder.

How difficult it is, to live in a world that carries such uncertainty, indecisiveness, and a lack of resolution, as we ourselves long for structure, control, and order.

There is a drive in us, Father, to “get it right” in our jobs, families, children, friendships, and bodies. We long for the details of our lives and our work to align just as they “should;” to be fully sorted out with no room for mistakes or failures.

Yet Lord, we also acknowledge, in our longing for perfection, that this was never a life you promised for us. You call us to perfection, yes, but not to the things of this world.

We are not made to find our fulfillment in how well we perform, or how liked we are by others, but in the beautiful union we share with you.

As we strive to work hard today, may we let go of our need to “perfect” every conversation, presentation, or expectation, and allow our efforts to flow out of a desire to serve you, and not ourselves, or others themselves.

Help us to discern when it’s time to pursue and strive, and when we’re called to rest, trust, and surrender. Thanks also for your grace for when we may not do this “perfectly” 🙂

Scotty Smith, a blogger for the Gospel Coalition also wrote a beautiful prayer for perfectionism, found here

Cheers to being perfectly imperfect together.

Shalom, my friend,


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