
Being brave is showing up

Bravery can take many forms. It’s in war veterans’ incredible acts of courage that earn medals and the activists’ fight against injustice. It’s in the countless heros who risk their lives for what is true and right.

Bravery is also found in the moments that may feel small. In the little things that turn into big things. The big things that wouldn’t be possible without all the little big brave steps paving the way.

Being brave is really about showing up.

I’m convinced that a big part of bravery is just showing up:

It’s showing up and doing the thing that makes us scream inside. That thing we’re afraid of. That thing we just want to avoid by staying in bed all day with the covers drawn up high.

It’s showing up in all our imperfections and accepting the place we’re in. It’s letting go of the standards and the “blueprint” of who we should be. It’s walking off the stage of perfection and performance.

Being brave is showing up in our differences and believing we belong.

It’s showing up in the pains of change and growth, speaking the truth even if it doesn’t come out perfectly.

Being brave is showing up to all our feelings, each one, and sharing them with others we’ve bravely risked let in. It’s challenging the feelings that don’t tell the full truth and honoring the ones that need to be heard.

Being brave is showing up on this mountain of life, putting one foot after the next, and refusing to stop when we’ve tripped over a rock. It’s also allowing ourselves to be carried by others when we’re too weary from the trek.

Being brave is showing up, again and again, in all our trauma and pain, and choosing to be with our bodies in a kind and gentle way.

Bravery isn’t just about picking up the shield, but putting it down. It’s knowing when to fight and when to let go of what no longer serves.

It’s knowing who we are and whose we are and allowing our bodies to experience the felt sense of His love. It’s trust-falling into the arms of a God who promises to redeem it all.

Bravery is in the little steps of just showing up.

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