I believe in a God who loves; who created us in his image to reflect his beauty and goodness to the world. I believe in a God who sees and a God who comforts. This is the hope I offer here to you.
When I Love God More
When I love God more, I love myself more. I love the image of God inside me. I even begin to love my inadequacies and limits and shortcomings because of the way they draw me back to him.
What Faith Is
Faith is one big trust-fall into the arms of a gracious Father whose steadfast love fills the hole in my heart so much so that I cannot help but believe its all true.
The Love of Christ Changes Everything
The love of Christ empowers me more than any self-help book I've ever read, calms my mind more than any coping skill I've tried, satisfies the striving deep within I could never put words to, yet built my life around trying to fix, solve, and quench.
God Comes to Us
God comes to us in our feelings of smallness, insecurity, and shame. When we leave prematurely, or turn away, he doesn't give up. When we feel out of place and uncomfortable, he finds us. Most of all, he doesn't come to shame or condemn, but to bless us.
The Gift of the Breath
Our bodies depend on the breath to live, just as our souls depend on the Father's love to flourish. Maybe that’s why he gives us breath — to remind us, that we, as humans, are dependent on something, someone, outside of ourselves for life. We cannot in our own…
Lessons From Romans 9: God’s Mercy and Grace
The Mystery of Predestination Over the last several months I have been studying the book of Romans alongside women in my church. We just dived into Romans 9 where Paul introduces what we term “predestination,” or God’s choosing ahead of time who will be saved. This raises so many…
Live Like You Are Loved
"The great thing to remember is that though our feelings come and go God's love for us does not." What would a loved version of yourself look like?
Divine Hiddenness and St. John of the Cross
Divine Hiddenness Over the last couple of years I’ve been reading through a series of essays on divine hiddenness, written by philosophers and theologians, Christian and non-Christian, who attempt to put words to the nature of God and why His presence feels so distant at times. I started exploring…