Nurturing our little lights
My little girl has a bright light within her soul, growing brighter and brighter each day. Who am I to want to stifle this and keep her beaming, beautiful light all to myself? To keep her like a light flicker when it can be a flame?
We’re all human
What would it look like to step away from some of our social rules and give each other permission to just be human? After all, we're all trying to cope with the stress and overwhelm of life in the best way we can. What would it look like to…
On working mom guilt
It was a Monday morning. My 18 month old daughter cried extra hard when I said goodbye to her as she left with my husband for daycare. Feelings of guilt started rushing in as I watched them leave the driveway.
The intergenerational transmission of compassion
Positive caregiving experiences, or angels, can be passed down from generation to generation, buffering the effects of hardship and relational ruptures, while promoting intergenerational transmission of compassion and resilience.
Forgiveness and imperfect parenting
As parents, forgiveness sets us free from the demands of perfectionism. We don’t have to get it all right. When we mess up, we apologize, humbly ask for forgiveness, and accept the grace there for us. In fact, our imperfect parenting provides the opportunity to teach our children about…
Parenting with beginner’s mind
But what happens when we let go of having to change something, letting go of our judgments about good or bad qualities? What happens when we can step back from all the thinking, planning, problem solving, and analyzing, and just be with our children? Beginner’s Mind can help with…
6 words of encouragement for new mothers
My friend and new mom, I am so excited for you. I also ache with you, and grieve the hard parts of these transitions with you. Here are some words written from my soul to yours...
How mindfulness can help parents of children with autism
Mindfulness is not just a series of stress-management techniques, but a way of being with our experiences. Parents of children with autism, among us all, may benefit from mindfulness practice