Guided meditations incorporating traditional mindfulness practices, imagery, liturgy, and Scripture.
Balloon Breathing Meditation for Kids
The following meditation was written for kids to teach belly breathing and guided imagery. I hope your little ones enjoy and find a little place of peace.
Let it Go: A Meditation for Release
Imagine Jesus whispering gently in your ear: "My yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” Let each butterfly lighten your load and carry your burdens up to the Father.
It Is Good: A Body Scan Meditation
As faithful Christians, we are not called to escape from our bodies, or to shame them. Rather, we are called to live in harmony with our bodies and give thanks for this temporary place where our souls may dwell here on earth.
The Spirit As Air: A Christian Breathing Meditation
Join me through a short Christian breathing meditation incorporating guided imagery, Scripture, and a collect from the Book of Common Prayer.
Let The Light In: A Guided Meditation For Shame
It is our belief in the Father's love that helps us to resist temptation while freeing us from the burdens, failures, and mistakes of our past. In Christ, we are free.
Lectio Divina: A Guide to Meditating on the Scriptures
Consider this ancient contemplative practice for reading and meditating upon the Scriptures
Being God’s Beloved: A 6 Step Christian Mindfulness Meditation
A Christian mindfulness meditation incorporating Scripture, guided imagery, and other mindfulness practices to encourage integration between our minds, bodies, and spirits.
A Collect for Renewal of Life
A Collect Renewal of Life A collect is a simply a “prayer for the people.” It is a prayer that gathers the collective requests and petitions of a people worshiping together. When we can’t find the words to express what we need, thankfully we can join in the prayers…