When our no’s become yes’s
Every no is a yes to something else
It’s a Sunday morning and I’m sitting bare feet on our grassy property, pen in one hand, black tea in the other. Like so many other days in this beautifully messy mom life, its only 8:00am and today is already no going as planned.
It’s been a morning of saying “no” to certain plans because of my family’s needs. Plans can change so fast with a toddler in daycare who gets sick every other week.
I don’t like changing plans and not following through on what I’ve committed to do.
But here’s the thing: every no is a yes to something else.
And this yes might actually be the thing we really need.
And… it’s ok to say no. It doesn’t make us bad people or bad friends. It actually frees us to set the boundaries we need to care for ourselves well — and to care for those we love well.
Our “no’s” are gifts.
Today, in my “no” to a planned work event, I said “yes” to spending another day with my daughter when she’s not feeling her best. I said “yes” to cuddles on the couch, a movie on the bed, and reading more stories.
I said “yes” to a few quiet moments outside before this day begins. I said “yes” to a slower day, a day of rest.
I think this is the “yes” I really do need, putting all the extra noise and voices aside.
Thank goodness for the “no’s” because of all the needed “yes’s” on the other side. The “yes’s” we didn’t know we needed until we learned about them through the “no’s.”
Where’s the “yes” in your “no” today?