meditation for release
Mindful Meditation

Let it Go: A Meditation for Release

A Guided Meditation for Release

I wrote this meditation on a day of rest. A day with no caffeine, no cell phone, no child to watch, no leaving the house. Just me and my journal, my Bible, my book, my blankets and sunshine. ☀️

Friends, this is for you when you need some rest and release. Have someone read this meditation to you, or read it through and go through it on your own time, at your own speed.

Find a quiet space and breathe

Find a quiet spot where you can lay down and get comfy.

Start by noticing your breathing… in through the nose… out through the mouth…

Notice the way your body breathes by itself, without you having to tell it what to do. Notice the gentle expansion of the stomach with each in-breath, and the gentle release of the stomach with each out-breath.

Continue to bring awareness to the breath without trying to control or change it in any way. Just letting it be and noticing what it feels like…

Imagine you’re in nature

Now, imagine you’re somewhere beautiful in nature.

This place can be real or based in a memory. Or, it can be anywhere your imagination takes you. Perhaps it’s an open field, a trail beside a waterfall, or in your backyard under soft clouds and chatty birds. Allow this place to bubble up in your awareness. Settle in and take everything in.

What do you see? Notice the details of your surroundings.

What do you hear? Pay attention to any unique sounds.

What do you feel? Notice what your body is resting on. Feel yourself sinking deeper and deeper with each exhale. Pay attention to any other textures or sensations your body experiences.

Notice also any tastes or smells… Bringing this place into your mind as vividly as you possibly can.

You feel so safe here, so at peace.

And as the mind starts to wander as minds always do, gently and compassionately escort it back to your body breathing. Gently bring it back to the details of this calm, safe space you’re in…

Imagine the butterflies

After a few moments have passed, imagine a delightful group of butterflies coming towards you, delicately flapping their wings in the wind.

Notice their different colors and patterns as they come closer and closer to where you’re resting. Observe and admire them for a moment. Feel a smile come up as you marvel at these lovely, carefree creatures.

Let them lighten your load

Now, allow any thoughts to arise that may be bothering or upsetting you. As you notice these thoughts come to your awareness, make a light mental note such as “noticing worry,” or “there’s anxiety” and imagine placing each thought onto a butterfly above you. Watch the butterfly carry this thought away into the wind.

After a few seconds you no longer see the butterfly. It’s gone and taken your thoughts with it. It’s carried them away to the Father who holds them for you.

Release and be free

Continue to do this exercise for every worrisome or burdensome thought. Place them onto the butterflies and watch them carry your burdens away into the wind. Saying to yourself as you pass each thought off, “I release… I let go…carry this for me…”

Imagine Jesus whispering gently in your ear: “My yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

Let each butterfly lighten your load and carry your burdens up to the Father. With each load you release you feel lighter and lighter. Freer and freer.

When you are are ready, come back to the present.

Continue to notice the butterflies as gentle reminders to release and be free 🙂

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