God wastes nothing
He uses everything. He works in the awkward conversations we didn't know how to handle, the presentation we fumble through, the tears we shed when we let others see that we're human too, the messy part of life that we wished looked a little more put together.
We are free to be rejected
We are free to face rejection because the most Perfect One of all faced it too. Rejection itself led him to the cross which was the very thing that made him win in the end.
Resting in awareness
Let me just be like that little rock that sits so elegantly and confidently on the banks of the lake. Not fighting or resisting her experience, but letting it all happen just as it is. This is rest. This is true peace.
Let it go: a meditation for release
Imagine Jesus whispering gently in your ear: "My yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” Let each butterfly lighten your load and carry your burdens up to the Father.
Bent but not broken
We appreciate the light so much more when it comes after the dark. We appreciate the Spring after the Winter, the sun after the rain, the healing after the wound. Then we get to help walk others through the darkness because we know the way.
Nurturing our little lights
My little girl has a bright light within her soul, growing brighter and brighter each day. Who am I to want to stifle this and keep her beaming, beautiful light all to myself? To keep her like a light flicker when it can be a flame?
When I love God more
When I love God more, I love myself more. I love the image of God inside me. I even begin to love my inadequacies and limits and shortcomings because of the way they draw me back to him.
Fighting for peace
Oh how our minds, when left on their own, strive to control, to plan, to ruminate, to live anywhere but the present. Going to beautiful places will not do anything for us unless we change the landscape of our minds in midst of it all.