Forgiveness and imperfect parenting
As parents, forgiveness sets us free from the demands of perfectionism. We don’t have to get it all right. When we mess up, we apologize, humbly ask for forgiveness, and accept the grace there for us. In fact, our imperfect parenting provides the opportunity to teach our children about…
The gift of the breath
Our bodies depend on the breath to live, just as our souls depend on the Father's love to flourish. Maybe that’s why he gives us breath — to remind us, that we, as humans, are dependent on something, someone, outside of ourselves for life. We cannot in our own…
Lessons from Romans 9: God’s mercy and grace
The Mystery of Predestination Over the last several months I have been studying the book of Romans alongside women in my church. We just dived into Romans 9 where Paul introduces what we term “predestination,” or God’s choosing ahead of time who will be saved. This raises so many…
Live like you are loved
"The great thing to remember is that though our feelings come and go God's love for us does not." What would a loved version of yourself look like?
Approaching motherhood with presence, thankfulness, & grace.
As I’ve entered into the season of motherhood in the most beautifully messy kind of way, I have committed to holding fast to three things: Presence, Thankfulness, and Grace.
A love so deep It hurts
As I cradle my sweet little girl, moving my fingers over her soft newborn skin and twirl the small pieces of hair behind her head, what I feel for this daughter is what He feels for me. This gift that He's given is waking me up to His tender,…
Divine Hiddenness and St. John of the Cross
Divine Hiddenness Over the last couple of years I’ve been reading through a series of essays on divine hiddenness, written by philosophers and theologians, Christian and non-Christian, who attempt to put words to the nature of God and why His presence feels so distant at times. I started exploring…
Beauty in the Battlefields: Claiming Victory in Christ
Our Victory in Christ This evening I am reflecting on a sermon recently preached by our Anglican priest, who brilliantly spoke on our victory in Christ. This victory is not something we fight for but what we fight from throughout this crazy, confusing, and beautiful life. This victory comes…