• Ordinary Life

    What I Learned in 2024

    I can rest in the transitions. And you can too. Because they will always be here, and the restlessness doesn't mean we're doing something wrong. It just means we're human living fully in this ever-changing world.

  • bent but not broken

    Bent but not Broken

    We appreciate the light so much more when it comes after the dark. We appreciate the Spring after the Winter, the sun after the rain, the healing after the wound. Then we get to help walk others through the darkness because we know the way.

  • Watching our children grow

    Nurturing Our Little Lights

    My little girl has a bright light within her soul, growing brighter and brighter each day. Who am I to want to stifle this and keep her beaming, beautiful light all to myself? To keep her like a light flicker when it can be a flame?

  • God comes to us

    God Comes to Us

    God comes to us in our feelings of smallness, insecurity, and shame. When we leave prematurely, or turn away, he doesn't give up. When we feel out of place and uncomfortable, he finds us. Most of all, he doesn't come to shame or condemn, but to bless us.

  • imperfect parenting

    Forgiveness and Imperfect Parenting

    As parents, forgiveness sets us free from the demands of perfectionism. We don’t have to get it all right. When we mess up, we apologize, humbly ask for forgiveness, and accept the grace there for us. In fact, our imperfect parenting provides the opportunity to teach our children about…

  • Wholeness

    What I Learned in 2022

    Every year I try to go back and reflect on what I’ve learned. This year was a full one for me. Full of waiting for my daughter’s arrival. Full of joy and thriving and big emotions and breakdowns. Here’s what I learned through this intense yet beautiful season: Motherhood…