• the truth sets us free

    The truth sets us free

    In my garden, there are forces that tear down, and build up. As it is with my life. Now, I no longer simply notice the weeds and leave them there.

  • Parenting with Beginner's Mind

    Parenting with beginner’s mind

    But what happens when we let go of having to change something, letting go of our judgments about good or bad qualities? What happens when we can step back from all the thinking, planning, problem solving, and analyzing, and just be with our children? Beginner’s Mind can help with…

  • the gift of the breath

    The gift of the breath

    Our bodies depend on the breath to live, just as our souls depend on the Father's love to flourish. Maybe that’s why he gives us breath — to remind us, that we, as humans, are dependent on something, someone, outside of ourselves for life. We cannot in our own…

  • finding beauty

    Nurturing Beauty

    Finding Beauty How often do you consider beauty? Or place yourself in the oncoming path of beautiful things? This could include anything from the sunset on your way home to the budding magnolia in your driveway. It may also show up in the piano piece your child is learning…