• bent but not broken

    Bent but not Broken

    We appreciate the light so much more when it comes after the dark. We appreciate the Spring after the Winter, the sun after the rain, the healing after the wound. Then we get to help walk others through the darkness because we know the way.

  • Wholeness

    Our Body Is A Holy Place

    When it comes to trauma and the brain, God has hardwired our bodies for healing and restoration. He wired our nervous system for balance. This can be a very long process, and he enters into it with us.

  • What faith is

    What Faith Is

    Faith is one big trust-fall into the arms of a gracious Father whose steadfast love fills the hole in my heart so much so that I cannot help but believe its all true.

  • Family

    The Intergenerational Transmission of Compassion

    Positive caregiving experiences, or angels, can be passed down from generation to generation, buffering the effects of hardship and relational ruptures, while promoting intergenerational transmission of compassion and resilience.

  • the truth sets us free

    The Truth Sets Us Free

    In my garden, there are forces that tear down, and build up. As it is with my life. Now, I no longer simply notice the weeds and leave them there.

  • what growth looks like

    Growing Pains: What Growth Really Looks Like

    What Growth Looks Like When I was a kid, I experienced awful growing pains in my knees. At certain points, they hurt so bad that I could hardly extend my legs fully. My knees remained in a flexed position constantly, and when I attempted to stand upright, pain shot…

  • life lessons
    Ordinary Life

    30 Life Lessons at 30

    Life Lessons at 30 This past weekend I turned 30. My husband found me an adorable mountain cabin tucked away in Bryson City, NC, where I spent time hiking and reflecting on these last 30 years. A few of my sweet college friends were able to join me towards…

  • adverse childhood experiences

    The Building Blocks of Hope

    Adverse Childhood Experiences The presence of adversity, especially early on, can significantly affect the human brain and development. Since the late 1990s, we’ve learned about ACEs, or adverse childhood experiences, and the traces they leave behind. ACEs may be defined as potentially traumatic events that occur between the ages of 0-17,…