Breaking the Chains of Generational Trauma
Generational Trauma We know now that newborns don’t enter into the world with a clean slate. Their emotional history begins even before they are conceived. For example, all the eggs a woman will carry form in her ovaries while she is a fetus in her mother’s womb. In other words, when your mother…
The Gift of Presence
I’ll be 30 soon, and by now, I’ve wrestled with the tension of decisions. In your late 20’s there’s all sorts of things to consider and choose about your life: career directions, when to start a family, what to do with your mortgage, the best way to pay off…
Wisdom in Trees: 5 Things I Learn From The Forests
Wisdom in Trees I first started really appreciating trees when I was 19, after meeting my boyfriend at the time, Joey. Some of our best memories and conversations happened while we climbed trees around our college campus. It was a great, inexpensive way to date at the time! I…
2020 Reflections: Opening the Gift of Resilience
2020 Reflections: A year full of heartaches, setbacks, new lessons, and glimpses of grace. Cheers to opening 2020's gifts of resilience.
Approaching the Body with Empathy and Compassion when it Doesn’t Do What it “Should”
Consider your body as it collectively groans with disease, heartache, or suffering, alongside creation, eagerly awaiting the coming restoration of our Lord. When your body doesn't do what it "should," meet it with empathy and compassion.
Questioning The Chemical Imbalance Theory
What if your brain isn't actually serotonin deficient? What if you truly have the capacity to heal, apart from life-long pharmacological "fixes"? Here, pychiatrists comment on a "theory that never was."
Resilience in Life: Life is Like a Pair of Water Skis
Is life really like a box of chocolates? Nah... it's like a pair of water skis.
Insomnia: Turning My Worst Enemy Into My Greatest Teacher
Insomnia: the force you can’t fight The beginnings As a child and adolescent, I wrestled with sleep here and there, but was generally known within my family and group of friends as the “sleepy head.” I was always the first among my friends to fall asleep during sleepovers, and…