• bent but not broken

    Bent but not Broken

    We appreciate the light so much more when it comes after the dark. We appreciate the Spring after the Winter, the sun after the rain, the healing after the wound. Then we get to help walk others through the darkness because we know the way.

  • love God more

    When I Love God More

    When I love God more, I love myself more. I love the image of God inside me. I even begin to love my inadequacies and limits and shortcomings because of the way they draw me back to him.

  • imperfect parenting

    Forgiveness and Imperfect Parenting

    As parents, forgiveness sets us free from the demands of perfectionism. We don’t have to get it all right. When we mess up, we apologize, humbly ask for forgiveness, and accept the grace there for us. In fact, our imperfect parenting provides the opportunity to teach our children about…

  • you are loved

    Live Like You Are Loved

    "The great thing to remember is that though our feelings come and go God's love for us does not." What would a loved version of yourself look like?

  • what growth looks like

    Growing Pains: What Growth Really Looks Like

    What Growth Looks Like When I was a kid, I experienced awful growing pains in my knees. At certain points, they hurt so bad that I could hardly extend my legs fully. My knees remained in a flexed position constantly, and when I attempted to stand upright, pain shot…

  • holding all things loosely

    Holding All Things Loosely

    It’s Fall of 2021 and I’m sitting here in my living room cuddled up with my two pups. I’m gazing out of our wide windows facing the backyard, watching the leaves fall from the trees. One by one, these leaves are released with the wind, gently letting go from…

  • be imperfect

    Give Yourself Permission to Be Imperfect

    As you create more space for imperfection in your life, you may find, like me, that the world continues to orbit, the job is still there, your family still loves you, and your dogs — they really don't care. The "worst" rarely happens, and if anything, you're freer to…