Resting in Awareness
Let me just be like that little rock that sits so elegantly and confidently on the banks of the lake. Not fighting or resisting her experience, but letting it all happen just as it is. This is rest. This is true peace.
Let it Go: A Meditation for Release
Imagine Jesus whispering gently in your ear: "My yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” Let each butterfly lighten your load and carry your burdens up to the Father.
Fighting For Peace
Oh how our minds, when left on their own, strive to control, to plan, to ruminate, to live anywhere but the present. Going to beautiful places will not do anything for us unless we change the landscape of our minds in midst of it all.
It Is Good: A Body Scan Meditation
As faithful Christians, we are not called to escape from our bodies, or to shame them. Rather, we are called to live in harmony with our bodies and give thanks for this temporary place where our souls may dwell here on earth.
The Spirit As Air: A Christian Breathing Meditation
Join me through a short Christian breathing meditation incorporating guided imagery, Scripture, and a collect from the Book of Common Prayer.
What Faith Is
Faith is one big trust-fall into the arms of a gracious Father whose steadfast love fills the hole in my heart so much so that I cannot help but believe its all true.
The Gift of the Breath
Our bodies depend on the breath to live, just as our souls depend on the Father's love to flourish. Maybe that’s why he gives us breath — to remind us, that we, as humans, are dependent on something, someone, outside of ourselves for life. We cannot in our own…
A Prayer for Trustfulness In Times of Worry and Anxiety
The following is one my favorite prayers for times of stress and anxiety. I am thankful for a book that expresses the weights of my heart and mind, when I myself can't find the words to say them. Pulled straight from the Book of Common Prayer, and prayed by…