When the only thing left to do is surrender
At certain points in life, many of us meet this place of frustrating tension where two steps forward turn into three steps back. We know where we “need” to be, and press on, vigorously towards our set goals. But no matter how hard we try, internal barriers persist and push us back, perhaps father than we were before.
In these moments of perceived failure, regardless of the personal struggle or conflict, sustainable progress feels distant and unattainable. And maybe it’s not the outside world holding you down, but the internal struggle piercing within. Perhaps you’ve tried just about everything possible to find relief or success, only to feel even more hopeless and let down in the end.
This human experience of ours, what a challenge it can be. For the very fundamental parts of our being often wage war against and within themselves. And unlike external enemies we can run or flee from, internal forces require more refined skill sets and unique forms of self-discipline to tame.
In these moments of constant striving, with no clear resolution or end, perhaps the only thing left to do is surrender, as painful and frustrating that may sound. But in this place of surrender, we become free to live, move, and breathe just as we are, without unattainable standards or the weight of imperfection holding us down.
There is no judgement here; only a deep, restorative sense of release and relief.