• Christian body scan

    It is Good: A Body Scan Meditation

    As faithful Christians, we are not called to escape from our bodies, or to shame them. Rather, we are called to live in harmony with our bodies and give thanks for this temporary place where our souls may dwell here on earth.

  • the truth sets us free

    The Truth Sets Us Free

    In my garden, there are forces that tear down, and build up. As it is with my life. Now, I no longer simply notice the weeds and leave them there.

  • living in community

    The Beautiful Messiness of Living in Community

    Living in community doesn't require you to be perfect. It means messing up, saying the wrong thing, and apologizing. It means speaking up, owning your voice, and expressing your feelings and needs, even if you offend or inconvenience someone.

  • what growth looks like

    Growing Pains: What Growth Really Looks Like

    What Growth Looks Like When I was a kid, I experienced awful growing pains in my knees. At certain points, they hurt so bad that I could hardly extend my legs fully. My knees remained in a flexed position constantly, and when I attempted to stand upright, pain shot…

  • finding beauty

    Nurturing Beauty

    Finding Beauty How often do you consider beauty? Or place yourself in the oncoming path of beautiful things? This could include anything from the sunset on your way home to the budding magnolia in your driveway. It may also show up in the piano piece your child is learning…

  • find your caling

    Embrace Your Calling

    I recently read a book by Michaela O’Donnell called Make Work Matter. This is a beautifully written and informative book on the nature of work and calling. It came at the perfect time in my life as I was wrestling through a crisis of work. Like many people in…